Preparations for global disruptions? Lessons from hurricane preparations
We live on the water in the Florida Keys. So what do we often hear? "What do you do about hurricanes?" Well, for one thing, hurricanes are not a surprise. There's time to at least prepare. As an aside to our friends and family in the Abacos in the Bahamas, even...
Sugar. Which kind and how not to panic reading labels. Hint: Check the Glycemic Index.
At a reward trip celebration in Hawaii with Shaklee a number of years ago our Chief Science Office asked two simple questions from the stage: 1) "Who knows we want to avoid extra sugars in our diet?" Everyone raised their hands 'YES.' 2) "Who had the breakfast buffet...
Keto Diet? Can I use the new Shaklee Life Shakes? Hint: YES
One of the current dietary conversations is about a Keto Diet . Here's response to the often-asked question: Can I use Shaklee Products while I'm following these keto-friendly protocols? The answer is YES. [video width="640" height="360"...
Reversing bone loss. Impressive peer-reviewed results.
Have you always thought that once bone loss began there was nothing you could do to reverse it? Or that being on prescription meds for life was the only solution? Here's some quite impressive-- actually stunningly impressive -- long term science. This is an impressive...
Arms Race with Glyphosate-Escalating to more and stronger pesticides
Thanks to Dr. Bruce Daggy, Shaklee's former Senior Vice President of Science and Research, for this stunning graphic and commentary. See the photo below: "Here’s what an arms race with Nature looks like. Use of glyphosate herbicide on Roundup Ready crops is driving...
For the guys (specially 40+) – Saw Palmetto and tidbits about its magical components
Dr. Richard Brouse at Sunnyside Health Center is a powerful resource as an Independent Shaklee Distributor, with also decades of science and connection with Dr. Shaklee and their shared philosophies of living in Harmony with Nature. Important for the guys --...
People don’t care WHAT we do–they care WHY we do it.
Simon Sinek, noted author and lecturer, says Here is the complete game-changer 18 minute talk: The Golden Circle."Our purpose:To create opportunities for financial flexibility,as we promote Total Wellness for our families and the Planet. Thank you for trusting the...
Taking a Look — The Philosophy, Culture & Proof
We partner with high-performers to support their personal health along with possibilities for long-term financial health. Our customers are SMART and they're BUSY. And they choose elite products that are proven to be SAFE and proven to WORK. Our goal: to create...
Study Course in Nutrition – directly from Dr. Shaklee
At some time back in the very early days of the Shaklee company, Dr. Shaklee wrote this booklet, which is a treasure. Wasn't I fortunate that -- back in the days before internet and digital tools -- this was a first-hand guide for me for what has become a lifetime...
Probiotics — Where to begin
What are probiotics and why are they valuable? They're the millions of little good bacteria in the gut -- which balance the 'bad' bacteria and also the candida -- yeast, molds, funguses. All of these coexist pretty readily in a well balanced system. But who can be...