Dec 29, 2019 | Products, Proof-the Science, Purpose & Mission
We partner with high-performers to support their personal health along with possibilities for long-term financial health. Our customers are SMART and they’re BUSY. And they choose elite products that are proven to be SAFE and proven to WORK. Our goal: to create...
Dec 17, 2019 | Healthy Body, Healthy Home, Nutrition
At some time back in the very early days of the Shaklee company, Dr. Shaklee wrote this booklet, which is a treasure. Wasn’t I fortunate that — back in the days before internet and digital tools — this was a first-hand guide for me for what has...
Dec 12, 2019 | Digestion, Healthy Body, Nutrition, Proof-the Science
What are probiotics and why are they valuable? They’re the millions of little good bacteria in the gut — which balance the ‘bad’ bacteria and also the candida — yeast, molds, funguses. All of these coexist pretty readily in a well...
Nov 14, 2019 | Uncategorized
Want to appreciate the Shaklee labels of “NON GMO” –Not Genetically Modified? Want to value the Shaklee commitment to thousands of purity tests for unwanted residues in all of the ingredients? Want to appreciate why Shaklee’s label of SAFE...
Nov 13, 2019 | Healthy Home
Curious about the Economy of the Get Clean products? Here’s a 2019 Get Clean Price Comparison– per use. Put a date on each product as you open it, you’ll be amazed how long they last. Compare Basic G Germicide with other commonly-used...